An Odd Egg

For some time, I had sat and watched the large white birds build their nest on a sturdy branch in the humongous tree. At some point they must have laid an egg as one of the birds remained in the nest instead of venturing out to collect building materials.

Then one day, with lots of commotion, the birds push a huge egg out of the nest and it fell to the ground. Out of curiosity, I immediately went to find the egg. I found it in a large undergrowth beneath the tree covered in excrement and down feathers. I carefully picked off the covering to reveal a mesmerizing mottled red and white eggshell.

I contemplated on keeping the egg as a treasure but was concerned that the contents of the egg would spoil. I had seen rotten eggs explode with a nauseating foul odor. So, I gently shook the egg and could feel something rattling around inside–probably a dead chick and the reason why the parents expelled it from their nest.

Out of curiosity again, I tossed the egg forcefully onto the ground to crack the shell and divulge its contents. The egg shattered and a large feathered bird spilled out. It was dead of course, but its feathers were amazing!

The large flight feathers were psychedelically colored and I reached down to carefully pluck one from the carcass. The feather shown with a metallic-spectrum of vibrant rainbow-like colors. I had never witnessed something so beautiful and was captivated by the specimen for long moments.

I carefully removed as many of the feathers as I could and wrapped them in a soft cloth. I proceeded then to bury the little fledgling in a small hole filled with flowers that I collected from the immediate area. I knew I would cherish this memory of discovery and wonder and needed to honor the source of the little spirit that grew the feathers. I covered and obscured the grave with the surrounding debris. After paying some more respects by recounting the entire experience, I went to adorn my elemental alter with tributes to the essence of Air.

Picture of Christopher Evans

Christopher Evans

Explorer of the Human Soul and Its hidden depths, admirer of quality gemstones and designer of gemstone tools.

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