Make Sure to Secure Your Gemstones While Performing Any Activity!

Cleaning & Rejuvenating Gemstones

physical cleaning

Durability is a gemstones ability to withstand water, heat, and chemicals. Gemstones durability determines the correct way in which to clean your therapeutic gemstone necklace.

You should always consult with a gemstone specialist on which type of physical cleaning is appropriate for each of your gemstones.

With colored gemstones, gentile cleaning is always best. Some safe cleaning methods include:

  • warm water, natural, mild, detergent-free soap and a soft toothbrush
  • Lint-free gemcloth

Remember to always lay necklaces tied with silk on a flat surface to completely dry before using.

energetic cleaning

Personal relationship with your gemstones has a profound efficacy on their ability to energetically impress upon the subconscious mind their time-honored purpose.

Comprehension of cosmic laws that each gemstone represents can bring about physical, mental and emotional healing on a higher level when intimate time and care are given.

Empyrean avoids dogmatic practices regarding energetic cleaning of gemstones. Rather, we encourage you follow intuitive guidance by exploring what best resonates with you and your gemstones.

Cleaning Suggestions


salt bed

EARTH element can be found in course natural mineral salt. Salt contains within it an immense history of the mechanical processes that have built our world over time.  Laying your gemstone necklace on a carefully prepared bed of salt restores the energies that help heal and rebuild the body.

bare ground

Placing your necklace on an organically rich soil with a natural-fiber cloth atop, is an excellent way to honor the EARTH element. This action can even be enhanced by performing this activity under the branches of an old tree.



In honoring the element of AIR, we recognize that the botanical kingdom is responsible for recycling and creating the atmosphere which makes it possible for life to exist on this planet. Placing a necklace on a beautiful plant allows the life-giving energy of a living plant to restore vital energies to your gemstones.


flowing water

Natural crystal-clear water found in streams and creeks are the capillaries of the Earth that take water to all its living organisms. Allowing this water to wash over your gemstones restores the element of WATER; emotional fluidity and empathy.

rainfall and snow

Placing your necklace in a gentle rainfall or laying in carefully on fresh fallen snow is another means to give tribute to the element of WATER.


The gentile lapping waves of a lake, sea, or ocean are another method to bring your necklace into resonance with the element of WATER.



The greatest manifestation of the FIRE element is our sun. It brings the light and warmth that makes it possible for life to live and develop on our world. This same light restores this powerful attribute of creation and manifestation to our gemstones. Allowing sunlight to imbue your necklace is a fantastic manner in which to honor this element.


The reflected light of the sun from the moon is charged with the Feminine aspect of creation. Moonlight brings to consciousnessthe processes and cycles that regenerate life. A moon-bath can be a beautiful expression of gratitude and love to the element of FIRE.