Empyrean Gemstones desires to honor the many sources of gemstone information that has been given to the world. Listed below are some of our favorites. 

Often dubbed the “crystals bible,” this comprehensive reference guide to the spiritual and healing qualities of 455 sacred stones has become the go-to book for looking up the properties of gems and minerals. Each entry includes vivid color photographs for each stone to aid identification and to showcase its beauty, as well as listing its scientific information, its element and chakra correspondences, and the physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of each stone.

Illustrated by gorgeously lit, clear color photos to aid quick identification, the book offers an illuminating alphabetical journey through the mineral kingdom, stone by stone. This new edition of The Book of Stones, the best-selling guide to some of Earth’s most beautiful natural objects, is revised to include 76 new entries.

The book begins with two introductory chapters detailing advice by authors Naisha Ahsian and Robert Simmons on how to work with crystals and stones–including the concept of crystal resonance and the scientific observation that living organisms (such as ourselves) are liquid crystalline structures. Each entry begins with the stone name and photo, plus its elemental and chakra correspondences, as well as keywords that indicate its properties. Next comes a description of the crystal structure, hardness, history, and known locations of each mineral, plus any relevant legend or lore from the past. Each author then offers their own take and personal insights on the subtle energy properties and spiritual applications of the stone. The entries conclude with summaries of the spiritual, emotional, and physical healing qualities of the stone, and an affirmation for evoking its potential benefits. The book’s presentation is straightforward enough to make it an excellent introduction for beginners, yet the level of detail and the depth of research make it an invaluable resource for the most experienced stone practitioners.

Internationally acclaimed, this Best-Selling Metaphysical Mineralogical Encyclopedia describes over 1400 minerals and crystals illustrated with over 1400 color photographs. This final text in the Love Is in the Earth series and THE Last Testament has been prepared with love JUST FOR YOU by Melody. 

This encyclopedia is meant to take the reader on an intimate journey into the subtle realms of crystal energy, assisting one in developing a loving affinity with crystals. The minerals in the photographs have not been enhanced, reflecting them as they are naturally. Many of these minerals have been reported previously in the Love is in the Earth series; within this encyclopedia, all of the new and/or updated information for the old minerals, and all of the new information for the new minerals is reported.

Have you always wondered if precious and semiprecious stones held power besides their natural lustre and beauty?  Well, as it turns out, gemstones are powerful, compact carriers of vibrational energy. Gems of the 7 Color Rays by William C. Stuber presents a simple, step-by-step guide to creating profound and lasting changes in your life by working with gemstones. 

Gems of the 7 Color Rays makes identifying gemstones a snap! The gems in the book are organized by color. You can look up orange gemstones, for example, and discover that carnelian and orange calcite are this color. How do they differ? What do they look like? You’ll see the difference with the help of the forty-five clear, full-color photos in this book. 

You’ll also need to know what you can do with the gems of each color. This is fully explained in Gems of the 7 Color Rays. You’ll learn how to: 

– Identify your own primary color ray 
– Release blocked energy patterns 
– Use the healing properties of fifty-eight gems 
– Gain strength and courage with ruby 
– Use citrine to encourage self-acceptance and allow      yourself to change 
– Clear negative thought patterns with the help of blue sapphire 
– Use indigo sodalite to access areas of the mind not previously used and develop latent psychic abilities. 

Gems of the 7 Color Rays is a practical book. It gives explicit instructions on how to work with the stones for the best healing results. For example, depression can be overcome by using yellow beryl. Stuber explains, “A single stone produces the best treatment…place it for no more than fifteen minutes at a time until there have been at least a dozen exposures.” How this process works, possible side effects, and how to overcome those effects are all explained. 

If you want to heal with gems, Gems of the 7 Color Rays is the book for you! 

Beautifully illustrated, The Crystal Bible offers a comprehensive guide to crystals, their shapes, colors and applications. With informative descriptions and an easy-to-use format, it is an indispensable practical handbook for crystal lovers and users everywhere–both beginner and expert alike.

The book’s directory format and beautiful, full-color photos ensure that the crystals are easily identifiable. Descriptions, which accompany each entry, provide information on their appearance, worldwide distribution, attributes, actions and healing properties. Both major and lesser-known stones currently available are covered, including those only recently discovered. A comprehensive index cross-referencing crystals to applications, aliments and conditions makes this book a vital reference for all crystal users.

The Crystal Bible Volume 2 provides an essential companion reference to the original bible, fully describing the properties of over 200 crystals not found in volume 1. Featuring new information on crystals for energy enhancement and healing grids, the historical use of crystals from biblical times to the present day and the latest updates on geological research, this comprehensive guide offers detailed analysis on the extensive range of new crystals on the market. This book also provides essential information on cleansing crystals, types of crystals and crystal shapes to give the reader extensive knowledge of their chosen stones.

This third volume of the best-selling Crystal Bible books presents more than 250 new generation, high-vibration stones for healing and transformation.

Included are many new and rare minerals whose esoteric properties are not described elsewhere.

This essential guide also includes a section on crystal skulls, crystal beings, Madagascan stones, and how to work with the ‘new’ chakras, such as the Soul Star and Manifestation chakras, that are stimulated by the powerful crystals featured.

Your Crystal Bible Volume 3 includes…

Crystal Reference
Crystal Innovations
Crystal Beings
Crystal Structure
High Vibration Crystals
Exploring Crystal Potential
Crystal Skulls
Building in Stone
The Madagascar Stones

Crystal Directory
Awakening Crystals
Physical and Subtle Anatomy
Chakras Associations
The ‘New Chakras
Healing Grids
Making a Gem Essence

…And Much More!

Destined to revolutionize the way people use and view gemstones, Gifts of the Gemstones is the true account of the authors’ inner-world experiences and conversations with the caretakers of the gemstones. The in-depth interviews recorded here provide knowledge of the gemstones from the individuals who know them best – the Gemstone Guardians who are responsible for fulfilling the purpose and maintaining the effects of gemstones everywhere. Here for the first time the Guardians reveal the powers and benefits of gemstone spheres – for, as one Guardian tells the authors, “only recently has human consciousness risen to the point where people are ready to accept the powers that gemstones unleash when they are not confined to their crystalline form, but are fashioned into spheres.” “Gemstones are the strongest, most concentrated containers of the healing force, or life force, on this planet.” states another Guardian. Used correctly, they can help us make significant advances in the healing arts – as well as in our own spiritual growth.

At the forefront of a revolution in energy medicine, therapeutic gemstones are among the most powerful healing tools available today. Three years in the writing, this major work deeply explores this rapidly growing form of energy medicine to help you get the most from therapeutic gemstones. This book includes a quick reference guide, a 30-page chart listing 300 conditions and the recommended gemstone necklaces, step-by-step, illustrated instructions for performing 27 gemstone sphere therapies, guide to care and cleansing of therapeutic gemstones, 30 full-color photographs and dozens of illustrations.