Creative Element of Mercury

The Creative Forces of Water and Air acted upon the first matter and energy to form Mercury. Mercury is symbolized with a cup on the top of a circle and a cross on the bottom.

Each civilization had its own legends about Mercury (Alchemy), and it was used as everything from a medicine to a talisman. Mercury’s chemical symbol, Hg, comes from the Greek “hydrargyrum” meaning liquid silver. Mercury is also known as “quicksilver,” a reference to its mobility and used as the physical symbol to represent the Azoth or fire-water in ancient alchemy. Speed and mobility were characteristics of the Greek-Roman god, Mercury (Hermes), who served as a messenger of knowledge to all the other gods and shares his name with the planet nearest the sun.

In the ancient art of alchemy, such as in Hermeticism, mercury is the symbol of the passive principle. The concept of Mercury was coolness, contraction, mutability, and change. It signifies the passive, the absorbing, the penetrating, feelings, love of nature and the great family. It acts as a mediator between Spirit and Body and is known as the Sub-conscious Mind or Soul. On the macrocosmic level, Mercury is the cosmic womb. On the earth in the physical plane, Mercury is described as the water element.

Water is magnetic (or containing an electromagnetic force) and is called the “Universal Menstruum,” also the “Mother of All Things.” It is ether condensed air or liquid earth.

Mercury is concerned with feeling, flowing and immersing oneself in the experience of the physical world.


A prosopopoeia is an avatar that speaks on behalf of the Creative Elements as they are represented in the mineral kingdom. Regardless of all explanations and mystical qualities that a stone may exhibit, the Law of Suggestion best explains their energetic properties; a simple seed planted within the subconscious.

Any repeating pattern of behavior can be defined as a ritual. These procedural routines developed by an individual in regards to a stone, carry with them a message developed through subjective experiences and education. The act of consciously using a stone in acknowledgment of those memories and lessons contribute to an inward unfoldment of consciousness.

For the Creative Element of Mercury, Empyrean Gemstones chose Blue Lace Agate. Use this gemstone when desiring to integrate the Creative Forces of Water and Air into your alchemical transmutation.
