Alchemy of Conscious Transformation

Alchemy of Conscious Transformation

For thousands of years, great philosophers have attempted to define the purpose of our existence. In all that time, is it not most probable they discovered some kind of answer?

The alchemical process has many layers of understanding. It is when this process is applied to the evolution of the psyche do the pieces begin to assemble into a process of change. This change begins on the outside of awareness and gradually penetrates into the deepest spiritual aspects of our Being. This is referred to as the “Transmutation of Consciousness.”

The “Alchemy of Change” Blogs are of a personal journey through this evolution of transmutation. This individual spiritual transformation changes how an individual perceives the physical world in relationship to their spiritual creation.

MANY clues are given throughout history of how this process occurs. It is through symbolic correlations that these ancient truths can be placed in context with one another. However, the process of transmutation must occur in the proper order of things. Everyone must begin their journey at the start and progress methodically through each transformation. Like the scientific process of changing Lead (Pb) into more precious metals, no step can be skipped or carelessly performed. As one process ends, the natural unfoldment of the chemistry of consciousness will lead to the beginning of the next process.

It is hoped that through these blogs the reader can gain a new insight into this amazing journey. Join me on my journey through time and the “Meaning of Life.”

“When the Student is ready, the Master will appear.”

We suggest the blogs be read in the order outlined below.

Picture of Christopher Evans

Christopher Evans

Explorer of the Human Soul and Its hidden depths, admirer of quality gemstones and designer of gemstone tools.

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