Gemstone Apothecary

What is a Gemstone Apothecary?

A new way of energetically connecting with gemstone energy through the Alchemy of Color

A Gemstone Apothecary is a collection of gemstone tools for personal use that can be incorporated into any energy healing modality.

For some, having an inclusive collection of therapeutic gemstones has been out of reach financially. Crystal and mineral collections are beautiful, but have limitations in transportation and practicality in utilizing over extended time frames. 

Empyrean Gemstones has developed a method of creating tools from high quality natural untreated gemstones that can be utilized energetically and have the capacity to be reassembled into almost countless possibilities. 

Empyrean’s Gemstone Apothecary has the ability to be transported with ease and can grow as you desire to explore and work with hundreds of varieties of exceptional gems and minerals.

Having worked with gemstones for decades, we discovered that quantity (mass) doesn’t create a greater energetic force in how a gemstone’s vibrational intentions interact with the human energy field. Actually, we found it just the opposite. Too much becomes excessive, and the vibrations become bothersome, rather than beneficial. Like being in a room with the music turned too loud. 

We’ve created a concept of working with gemstones where the gemstone vibrations are more gently incorporated into the human bioenergy field through the Gemstone Apothecary . We combine this with alchemical teachings that incorporates subjective symbolism into their vary color. 

The Gemstone Apothecary

Collection of Cathexis Coteries and Focal Stones
Collection of Gem Formularies

Gemstone Apothecary Sessions

Already a energy practitioner? Add a new modality to your practice with a gemstone apothecary. Experiencing hundreds of high-quality gemstones can be an amazing experience. With a Gemstones Apothecary you can offer opportunities for clients to participate in a self-administered evaluation to determine which Gemstone Energies and Creative Forces they need to integrate into their awareness. 

Through a direct harmonic resonance exchange, the gemstones can communicate with their observer by attracting them to their energetic frequencies. Literally the right gemstone will physically appear more attractive and hold the observer’s attention.

After selecting and recording a client’s gemstone choices, an evaluation and interpretation can be given as to what potential evolutions of one’s consciousness could be explored. 

With the information gained, the individual can then choose to research the energetic properties of each stone that drew their attention and further their own evaluation through personal resources and reference libraries.

We have learned to stay removed from the energetic exchange between gemstones and clients. We do offer guidance in learning how to individually use gemstones to develop personal evaluations and experiences of how gemstones can help evolve consciousness. 

Our driving incentive is instructing others how to build a personal gemstone apothecary by providing gemstones and information that they can utilize for their own benefit.

"Therapeutic" Gemstones

No two gemstones are alike. We continuously search for and acquire as many different gemstones as we can find. All of which will be the same 6mm size (or very close to it) that can be interchanged within your growing Gemstone Apothecary. 

Please realize that gem quality (color and clarity) will vary from one set to another. But we only sell gemstone sets that have a matching essence or attraction with each other. For example, you may acquire five different sets of Rubies. Or, break apart a CC to reuse the other 3 stones with another three stones in a differing combination.

For the price of a single therapeutic gemstone necklace, you can have at your disposal an entire apothecary for your own personal use or use on clients. You will be able to explore hundreds of different gemstone frequencies that resonate in a similar energetic potency.

Don’t get us wrong, we love gemstone necklaces! We will continue to provide hand knotted necklaces of superior quality for great prices.

We desire more people to experience the power of gemstones and the personal evolution of conscious they can bring into your reality. 

We aim to create the ability for more people to explore gemstone energy through possible combinations of their vibrational frequencies. Through the Gemstone Apothecary, you can “test drive” a gemstone before you make the commitment to bring in the “Big Guns” and purchase a necklace.

Grow your collection!

Gemstone Apothecary and Empyrean Gem Tools

Empyrean Gemstones believes that true physical, emotional and mental healing originates from within oneself and needs to be a personalized journey into awakened consciousness. 

Empyrean’s Gemstone Apothecary tools place real natural untreated gemstones in people’s hands in an affordable and practical way. Through the development of a personal Gemstone Apothecary, the tools can transform into almost any combination and be personalized for individual need.

We desire to provide quality natural gemstones in a manner that anyone can participate in experiencing their potential energetic lessons. We wish to change the paradigm of the how the world experiences gemstones through Color Alchemy and Symbolism.

Empyrean Gemstones’ blend of spiritual and scientific principles creates a mystical personal experience of perceiving physical reality through color and philosophical interpretation. 

Picture of Christopher Evans

Christopher Evans

Explorer of the Human Soul and Its hidden depths, admirer of quality gemstones and designer of gemstone tools.

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