Hand Knotted on Silk

Hand Knotted on Silk Cord

Ever handled an expensive pearl necklace? You will notice that a small knot separates each pearl. Knotting can be the first determining factor in knowing if a string of pearls is real or synthetic. It is only done by hand and takes skilled and practiced hands to get the knots tight against each bead. Knotting really takes a gemstone necklace to the next level. 

All our gemstone necklaces are knotted (just like pearls) to protect the treasure they contain. 

Benefits of Knotting:

  • Allows the gemstones to rest more comfortably around the neck.
  • Knots prevent the gemstones from touching and rubbing, thus extending their longevity and health of the individual gemstones.
  • If the necklace were to break, the knots prevent all the sphere from spilling and increasing the possibility of loss.

Why Natural Silk?

Did you know the natural fibers of silk are collected from the cocoons of the Mulberry Silkworms?

The living organic properties of silk have a neutral effect on the energetic emanations of the sacred geometry in arrangement of the spheres in a necklace.

There always seems to be a debate about whether to use natural silk cord or synthetic cord. To be honest, probably no one will know the difference, but Empyrean Gemstones hold to the philosophy that “All Natural” is better for you and for the environment. Silk does stretch more rapidly. But if you are aware of the effort it takes to knot a necklace, you will most likely be more gentle with it. (hint) 

Downsides to silk include the need to retie/restring the necklace from time to time. But this can be greatly diminished if awareness of the natural fragility of the silk is understood.

Protect Your Silk Thread's Longevity

Gemstones necklaces and bracelets are commonly worn for extended periods, unlike conventional necklaces that are strung on wire or nylon and worn occasionally. Consequently, sooner or later, your  gemstone necklace or bracelet will require restringing because of the silk stretching or breaking. Know that this is inevitable. 

Most jewelry stores will offer knotting services and charge by the inch. Most of our customers will employ someone local to render this service to avoid all the mailing requirements. But we can do it for local customers. 

To increase the longevity of your necklace, it is recommended that you avoid wearing necklaces to bed or during intense physical activity. In general, be sure that the thread is completely dry before wearing.

Picture of Christopher Evans

Christopher Evans

Explorer of the Human Soul and Its hidden depths, admirer of quality gemstones and designer of gemstone tools.

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